Take a Breath of Fresh Air
I have been enjoying some summer reading. And wanted to share what has really enriched me. Angels of Abundance by Doreen Virtue is a treasure. This book has some key insights into prayer that I have not understood before. Don’t get me wrong, I am a faithful, praying Christian, but I had not figured out how…
Have you ever found a food that is in your top 10? Pesto & Basil are one of mine. Basil how do I love thee, let me count the ways: Shredded in salads On sandwiches Shreds on top of many main dishes and soups PESTO….on pasta, corn on the cob, toast, chicken, baked potatoes, etc…
Tis the Season, is what we hear. What is your focus this week? Have you decorated for Christmas yet? How do you have the energy of joy when you are feeling stressed this time of year? 1 – Learn to say “no” to extra activities and things that don’t bring you and your family joy. …
Some meals need a little something extra. To do that, I want it to be quick and easy, but especially good. We love having biscuits with soup, salads or jam. The scones are yummy for a breakfast treat, afternoon snack, tea party or even a dessert. Today, I am sharing with you two of my…
Genuine self-care is never selfish, and is about being true to ourselves, caring and nurturing for ourselves, and loving ourselves deeply so we are in a healthier position to take on challenges. We are in better positions to authentically care for and love others when we first ensured we have been cared for and loved ourselves…
I’m so excited to announce a added Bonus to each Holistic Energy Session! A Custom Flower Remedy delivered directly to your mail box with instructions. What are Flower Essences? You will receive a custom Flower Essence made to enhance your Session and supporting your body/mind/spirit journey. Flower essences are the actual flowers vibrational energy imprint transferred…