Welcome to Tune In Tuesday’s where I will be posting a video each Tuesday of the week.
This week we are talking about resolutions and goals. They are different.
What are your SMART Goals?
My life intertwines, does yours? I share with you how some of them work for me.
Applying skills into practical everyday situations is one of the things I do best.
~Quote for Today~
“The problem is how to remain whole in the midst of distractions of life; how to remain balanced, no matter what shocks come in at the periphery and tend to crack the hub of the wheel. For to be a woman is to have interests and duties, ranging out in all directions from the central mother-core, like spokes from the hub of the wheel.” ~ Anne Morrow Lindbergh
Are you looking for some help making clear goals? Maybe how to intertwine your energy with your responsibilities. Click the button below and schedule a Free 30 minute Empowerment Call with me.