Have a Beautiful Christmas
I really want this Mother’s Day to be special for you, by creating something to support you as a Mom, caregiver and individual. But to do that, I need to know what you need from me! How can I best help you? So, will you take a 5 question survey for me? It should take less…
I’m going to start this with a big WOW! Never in my wildest dreams or nightmares could I imagine what the world is going through. These truly are Unprecedented Times. There have been some days that I didn’t get dressed, cuddled in a blanket, prayed, vegged out on TV and probably eaten more dark chocolate…
I LOVE herb tea and drink it daily! In our kitchen we have a cupboard that is the “Tea Cupboard”. It contains: mugs, tea pots, herbal tea blends, hot cocoa, candied ginger, liquid stevia and a variety of small strainers.Herb teas not only taste great, they are filled with readily available nutrients. The aroma of the…
I LOVE basil!!! It is one of my favorite herbs. If I could eat basil, berries and dark chocolate every day, I would be a very happy woman 😉 The basil is grown in a 4 X 8 foot raised bed. We have been eating a little of it in salads, sandwiches, and other dishes,…
You don’t want to miss it because there are no recordings. Today Thursday, December 17th at 7pm pacific time. In this FREE training I will cover how to: – clear negative emotions and situational stress – raise your vibrational energy – ways to simplify healthy living And we will be doing some group energy work. …
I love garden food! Kale is in our garden or available at the grocery store year round. It was so easy to make these, much easier than cabbage rolls. It took me about 20 minutes to make these. It’s hot here in Western Washington and I didn’t want to heat up the house. I baked…