Happy 4th of July!!!
Happy 4th of July!!!
Wishing you love of freedom from our family to yours!
Happy 4th of July!!!
Wishing you love of freedom from our family to yours!
I’m going to start this with a big WOW! Never in my wildest dreams or nightmares could I imagine what the world is going through. These truly are Unprecedented Times. There have been some days that I didn’t get dressed, cuddled in a blanket, prayed, vegged out on TV and probably eaten more dark chocolate…
This past week and half have been full of loss and love. My dear sister, we are chosen sisters from different mothers, you know the ones you knew in heaven, husband died March 14th. I was there right away to comfort and help for the next few days. This was a blessed opportunity for me to serve. I…
Spring into Spring with some “green” self care. Add some beautiful greens to your diet for a great nutrition booster. Not only will you body “thank you”, but your emotions will also. Greens bring balance, enliven your whole being and provide a freshness to wake up your tastes buds. Whether you grow your own, wild…
Many of us don’t know how to meditate. I didn’t. It is hard for my mind to slow down. I have found that listening to an audio guided meditation works for me. I am able to stay focused. And I wanted to share with you two of my favorites:…
I LOVE herb tea and drink it daily! In our kitchen we have a cupboard that is the “Tea Cupboard”. It contains: mugs, tea pots, herbal tea blends, hot cocoa, candied ginger, liquid stevia and a variety of small strainers.Herb teas not only taste great, they are filled with readily available nutrients. The aroma of the…
I hope your Christmas celebration was one of peace, joy and happiness. Ours was. Let’s get onto the new year! I love the week between Christmas and New Year’s. It’s the “breather” in between. I try to refocus and I get real excited about what has transpired this year and what is to come. But…