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Spring Forth
Thank you for your thoughts, prayers and kindness to our family. Many of you have reached out and I greatly appreciate the love. Easter was especially personal and meaningful this year. I am doing well on my journey of grief, regular living, family, and most other activities. It’s spring and I have been preparing some garden beds, planting…
Unprecedented Shifts and Changes and Our Choices
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Herbal Teas ~ My Favorites
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Spring into Spring with Greens
Spring into Spring with some “green” self care. Add some beautiful greens to your diet for a great nutrition booster. Not only will you body “thank you”, but your emotions will also. Greens bring balance, enliven your whole being and provide a freshness to wake up your tastes buds. Whether you grow your own, wild…
Who Else Loves Pesto & Summer Foods?
I LOVE basil!!! It is one of my favorite herbs. If I could eat basil, berries and dark chocolate every day, I would be a very happy woman 😉 The basil is grown in a 4 X 8 foot raised bed. We have been eating a little of it in salads, sandwiches, and other dishes,…