About Kristine Farley, Women’s Mid-Life Transition and Wellness Coach
Why am I helping mid-life, menopausal women move through that transition into their highest and best selves? To become women of purpose and possibilities? Simple: I’ve BEEN THROUGH IT! I know it can be difficult! But I know it can be done.
My own journey started when I was about 50. I was having crazy heavy cycles and had to have an emergency hysterectomy. What, the natural herbal momma, women’s wellness gal couldn’t help herself and had to go under the knife? This was devastating and brought up other feminine medical issues from my first child, who was born through an emergency c-section.
At the same time, I was busy with children leaving for college, doing volunteer work, getting married, AND two still at home. I’d spent my life home-schooling all my children, and although I was enjoying grandchildren, serving in my community and church, I had days when I wondered if we would ever be empty nesters. I love my kiddos, but sometimes I wondered: “Where have I gone to?”
I was overwhelmed by my responsibilities. I needed to recover and heal as I figured out what to do next. Many of us spend so much time in a career, and serving, as a wife, mother, caretaker, Church member, in our communities, but we don’t know what’s next. For me, I didn’t know WHAT TO DO NEXT. I knew there was something … but WHAT?
Sound familiar? I knew millions of other women had gone through something similar. As a life-long learner and fan of coaching, I was SHOCKED when I looked for help and advice.
I FOUND NOTHING FOR WOMEN GOING THROUGH “THE CHANGE!” At least, not in the way that would help women like you and me.
It’s as if there is a general and cultural knowledge that menopause and mid-life transition happens. But, surprisingly, it seems as though the world says “Oh, they’re smart, wise women; they’ll figure it out.”
And we probably will. But I thought:

- Certified SimplyALIGN™ Practitioner
- Doula, Seattle School of Midwifery
- Master Rapid Eye Technologist
- Herbalist, School of Natural Healing
- Certified RET Life Coach
“Why not work together? Why not share experiences?
Why not learn and grow together?”
That’s when I decided to draw on my own research, life experiences, training, and lessons learned, and put coaching and mentoring packages together to help women just like you!
What forms will your coaching take? That is a journey we can explore together. But I do know I can help you:
- Find and acknowledge your core values
- Accept possibilities
- Live your values
- Play and explore what you want to do
- Discover things about yourself that you didn’t even know!
- Take advantage of all your life experiences and knowledge
- Remove roadblocks and gain tools
- Reinvent your highest and best life
I’m still discovering and learning to live my highest and best life. Every day, I’m uncovering and accepting new possibilities. I’m reinventing my life “on the daily.” On the way, I’ve discovered and refined techniques and methods that help me … and I’m certain they’ll help you. I’m farther down the path, and have had many, many experiences, good, bad, sublime and ugly. The great thing is, as women, we know life is not a contest, but an experience to be shared and learned from together.
If you’ll let me, I can look on the path to where you are, reach out my hand, and become your trusted mentor and coach as you make your fantastic journey into a new and exciting world of possibilities!
Click here to set up a free 20-minute discovery session (or to look at the different coaching packages available.)
About SimplyALIGN ~ The Carolyn Cooper SimplyHealed Method®: Blending the art of healing with cutting-edge research, the Carolyn Cooper SimplyALIGN Method® is a powerful method of healing that clears negative emotions on a mental, emotional, and physical level in an easy, non-invasive way.