Tired, Wired and Always Busy
Rabbit bounced in a small glen around several other animals. “And what do you know? I was off like lightning. That fox didn’t even know what to think.” Rabbit laughed at the memory.
Mrs. Frog, Mr. Duck, and Mrs. Squirrel exchanged glances. He was doing it again! He was bragging about how fast he was.
“I can leap just as far as you can.” Mrs. Frog finally said, tired of hearing his stories.
“Yeah…but you leap and flop.” Rabbit said flouncing toward her. “I leap and run like the wind!”
Just then, an old scratchy voice came from a tall patch of grass near the pond. “You may be able to run like the wind, but I’ll bet I could beat you in a race.”
Rabbit stopped bouncing for a moment to investigate who had spoken. He crept to the edge of the patch of grass just as Mr. Tortoise poked his head out.
Rabbit rolled in laughter. “You? You are challenging me?”
“I am” A smile wrinkled his wizened face.
Often, in our lives we take on the role of the rabbit. We too believe we are fast, efficient, and can get it all done. We may even, like he does, take pride in our ability.
We may not be runners. But more and more people today identify themselves as multitaskers.
We try to simultaneously watch television, cook dinner, text message a friend, and have a meaningful conversation with our spouse. We lay down in our beds at night proud of the fact that we were able to get it all done.
But do we really get it all done? And if we do, are we doing it well?
New studies have shown that those who multitask are, in fact, less efficient than those who don’t. We have all heard the stories of people walking into fountains while texting, parents being disconnected from their children because of their devices, and even medical mistakes because of multitasking.
Multitasking isn’t only having an impact on our minds and relationships. It is also affecting our bodies. The busyness in our lives is causing stress in our hearts and our homes…and our bodies.
Our adrenals supply the body with adrenaline. It is great when we are doing something exciting and thrilling. It hones our senses and makes us feel alive.
But constant stress can weaken this important part of our bodies.
Adrenal fatigue is becoming more and more common. We are living our lives at a pace in which our bodies cannot keep up.
Some symptoms of adrenal fatigue are:
- Difficulty getting up in the morning
- Brain fog
- High energy in the evenings
- Cravings for salty foods
- Weak immune system
- Joint pain
- Weight gain
- Depression
So how do we fix it? How can we let go and heal our bodies, minds, and relationships?
Three things can help us do this:
First, we must take the position of the tortoise, rather than the hare. We must slow down. Think before we act. Turn off our televisions. Connect with our families. Put our phones away at dinner time. Take time to breath. Enjoy the beauty of the world around us.
Second, we must be willing to evaluate, with honesty, how we live our lives, and the way we spend our time.
Ask yourself the following questions:
- What am I doing now that I could delegate?
- Is what I am doing in line with my core beliefs and goals?
- What things do I need to quit doing in order to focus on my goals?
Third, be selective with how you spend your time and who you spend it with. After you have evaluated your time and cleared out all those things that aren’t serving you, it will be time to select, with intention, what you want to have in your life. Set healthy boundaries around your time and allow yourself to focus on one thing at a time. Shifting your whole attention to one task at a time is a sign that your mind is healthy, agile, and creative.
If you can follow these three steps, you, like the tortoise, will win the race.
The day of the race came. Mrs. Squirrel’s trill voice sounded above the hubbub of activity along the race track. “On your mark. Get set. Go!”
Rabbit bounded like a shot out of a gun. His breath came fast and deep into his lungs and dust flew from his feet. Before he knew it, the crowd, Mr. Tortoise, and the starting line were all a tiny dot behind him.
He noticed a tree on the side of the race track. The sun shining through the leaves made lace-like patterns in the grass. He looked behind him. Mr. Tortoise wasn’t even in view. He slowed down and plopped onto the cool grass. Leaning against the tree, he was soon fast asleep.
At the word, “Go!” from Mrs. Squirrel. Mr. Tortoise focused all his attention down the road. The cheering crowd, Rabbit, and even the starting line seemed to fade around him. All he saw was the finish line. “One step in front of the other.” He said to himself.
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