Summer Reading Stack

I’m going to start this with a big WOW! Never in my wildest dreams or nightmares could I imagine what the world is going through. These truly are Unprecedented Times. There have been some days that I didn’t get dressed, cuddled in a blanket, prayed, vegged out on TV and probably eaten more dark chocolate…
I hope you’re able to take some extra time for yourself this summer. My family is very sweet, but I like to take some special time for “me” and sometimes I even purchase something that I wouldn’t normally purchase. You may even want to. Do you like and use Essential Oils? I have for…
Some meals need a little something extra. To do that, I want it to be quick and easy, but especially good. We love having biscuits with soup, salads or jam. The scones are yummy for a breakfast treat, afternoon snack, tea party or even a dessert. Today, I am sharing with you two of my…
Thank you all for your entries. The tender thoughts about your peaceful place enriched my life. Nathana Clay is the winner. Her picture is above and her entry as follows: “I am visiting my parents right now, so I don’t have a picture of my “comfy chair” or the kitchen table…
This past week and half have been full of loss and love. My dear sister, we are chosen sisters from different mothers, you know the ones you knew in heaven, husband died March 14th. I was there right away to comfort and help for the next few days. This was a blessed opportunity for me to serve. I…
Summertime! It’s so beautiful and there is so much to see and do outdoors. Today I wanted to share ideas to Enrich Your Health and Happiness…enjoying nature. The benefits of being in nature: – Antidote for stress – Can reduce ADHD symptoms – Reduce recovery times…