Space for Self Care

It’s a busy time of year. I love Christmas and the fun we have planned as a family. But I don’t like the extra stress and sense of overwhelm that can trigger old responses. Over the years I been blessed to learn techniques, tips and more that have keep me out of the spiral. I’d…
Thank you for your thoughts, prayers and kindness to our family. Many of you have reached out and I greatly appreciate the love. Easter was especially personal and meaningful this year. I am doing well on my journey of grief, regular living, family, and most other activities. It’s spring and I have been preparing some garden beds, planting…
Tis the Season, is what we hear. What is your focus this week? Have you decorated for Christmas yet? How do you have the energy of joy when you are feeling stressed this time of year? 1 – Learn to say “no” to extra activities and things that don’t bring you and your family joy. …
Rabbit bounced in a small glen around several other animals. “And what do you know? I was off like lightning. That fox didn’t even know what to think.” Rabbit laughed at the memory. Mrs. Frog, Mr. Duck, and Mrs. Squirrel exchanged glances. He was doing it again! He was bragging about how fast he was….
I hope your Christmas celebration was one of peace, joy and happiness. Ours was. Let’s get onto the new year! I love the week between Christmas and New Year’s. It’s the “breather” in between. I try to refocus and I get real excited about what has transpired this year and what is to come. But…
Happy belated Easter! I hope you and your family had a blessed day. The music and messages of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ touch and lifted my soul. Lately I have been touched by grief that has hurt my heart. But my knowledge of our loving Heavenly Father’s plan and that the bands of death are…