Recently, I learned a releasing judgment practice that I wanted to share with you. This also applies to forgiveness. It is a mindset, and heart-set. It is definitely something to work on that blesses lives. Skip Judgement (click the link to watch the short video) https://youtu.be/xl1Dxn4kDJk Releasing judgment isn’t easy, but it can bless you…
This week’s Tune-In Tuesday is a day late because of technical difficulties, which give me and probably you a opportunity to “let go” of outcomes and schedules. And this is what this video is about. Push, pull and opposites. Practicing going with the flow and making it easy. Harmony is awesome….
25 STRESS~LESS Tidbits I put together this list a few years ago for a class. It is a great reminder for me to relax. Hopefully, you will find them useful. ~ Drinking lots of water. The body requires at least eight – 8 oz. glasses of water for a 120 lb. person per day. Ideally…
These are easy to prepare, delicious Vegan Recipes. We served them with steamed Brown Rice. The leftovers were equally good. The curry freezes well. Peanut Butter Curry Heat a heavy dutch-oven to medium-high and cook: 1 chopped onion 2 tablespoons olive oil 4 chopped…
My heart has been a little overwhelmed with family and friends challenges, and life stresses. I know you can understand this. A few things have helped lift me and manage my emotions and responses better: Uplifting music Looking and going outside in awe of the beauty of the earth and giving a simple prayer of thanks….
Happy May Day!!! My favorite day of the year!!! Over the past few weeks, I have felt hope…the opportunity to leap wholeheartedly into the spark, lightness, and joy of Spring! Maybe I had forgotten the intensity of Spring’s beauty or had I been lulled to rest in the winter? The bursting forth…birds chirping, vibrant greens…