2 Tips to Live in the Energy of Joy
Tis the Season, is what we hear. What is your focus this week? Have you decorated for Christmas yet? How do you have the energy of joy when you are feeling stressed this time of year?
1 – Learn to say “no” to extra activities and things that don’t bring you and your family joy. Maybe even some of the things that do bring you joy need to be scaled back? One year we were having our extended family over for Christmas Eve. I was not physically at my best. So we made pizza’s together as an activity and for a great dinner. My responsibility for a traditional dinner were lighter.
2 – Don’t get sucked into the trap of comparison and overdoing. A friend may say I’m buying this for so and so. Or are you making homemade gingerbread houses? Or you may not have planned presents for everyone. Let it go of the “have to’s”. Enjoy doing the things that really matter.
One year I put a few things in the kid’s stockings and gave them some money instead of gifts. Boy, was that freeing not to have to shop for all of them. The kids were thrilled to go shopping for what they wanted after Christmas. They budgeted, planned and found great deals when everything was on sale.
Try to take some time to relax and focus on what matters most. Then you will be able to better live in the energy to joy!
Great points! I love everything about the holiday season and sometimes feel pressured to do it all, like the world will come to an end if we don’t drive around to see Christmas lights with hot chocolate. But taking time to slow down and relax results in more energy and enjoyable moments and memories. 🙂
Thnx?! stressthem